About MusicMoz - The Open Music Project

Music information is one of the most searched topics online and a very important application of the internet. Commercial and fan websites offer an abundance of information on thousands of bands, artists, orchestras, composers and just about every other aspect of music. One of the biggest drawbacks to this wealth of information is that it can be very disorganized and can often disappear as websites continually shut their doors.

Based around the Open Directory editing model, MusicMoz aims to be a comprehensive directory of music, built by volunteers around the world, with contributions from the web public.

How you Can Help

Interested in music? Interested in maintaining a category in the Open Music Project? It's simple to join:

  1. Find a category you would like to maintain.
  2. Choose "become an editor" at the top of the category page.
  3. Fill in the simple application form.

Note that some categories do not have a "become an editor" link; you should find a more specific category which interests you, and apply there. Once you have joined, and gained some experience, you can apply for more general categories.

Submitting a Review, Website, or Other Information

Want to help, but don't have the time or inclination to become an editor? You can still help by submitting a website, review, or information, which one of our editors will review for inclusion in the directory. Simply find the right category, and choose the 'submit item' option at the top of the category page.

More Information

For more information about the Open Music Project, please see our FAQ.


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